The Journey To Happy

Think about when you got married or when you got into that relationship you are in. Did you do it to finally be happy? Society puts so much pressure on us especially as women to be settled by a certain age. So here we are, doing what society wants us to do but, still not feeling that joy and happiness that we expected to feel. We put so much into our relationships and sometimes set grand expectations on the other person. It really makes me wonder, is your spouse responsible for your happiness?

When Jeff and I first got married I felt that he was looking to me for his personal happiness and satisfaction with life. Yes, true love and having a real partnership can make you happy. But people will always disappoint you. That includes your wife, husband, children, parents, friends and family. Human beings are bound to disappoint at some point in your relationship with them. Should your world be crushed to million pieces when …and I mean when that happens? No. Because no one else is responsible for your happiness but YOU.

Is your spouse responsible for your happiness?

Happiness comes from within. It truly does. A happy person will be happy no matter who disappoints them or whether or not they had a bad day. When you rely on others to bring happiness into your life, it is like a fast burning candle. It will run out. Light that eternal fire of happiness for yourself.

The journey to happy is personal. It involves loving yourself despite who loves you or hates you. Having something to be proud of yourself about, accomplishing goals, and positive thinking about yourself are things that will create the happy person you really want to be. Getting married, having a baby, buying that house, splurging on that new pocketbook are all temporary fixes and are not going to bring you the true happiness you desire. Not unless you find it first within yourself. Learn to be happy with you just as you are. Only then will you gain true satisfaction from your life.

Happiness comes from within.

Jeff brings me so much happiness. But I am happy with myself outside of the marriage too. Whether or not we disappoint each other with our actions or words, we are both on a path to finding our ‘happy’ within the marriage and as individuals. Remember it’s a journey, not a destination. Ask God for guidance and start on your path today!