We recently returned from our first trip as a family. Packing for family travel is not something we are used to doing. It was a bit overwhelming when I was thinking of all the things I needed to bring. It seemed like we were going to need to take every single item we have at home otherwise we would be doomed! Haha. Turns out we didn’t even use half the things we brought. So there were many lessons learned here.

Pack smarter, not harder. You don’t actually need everything you have at home. For instance, if you normally use a bottle warmer you can improvise and run it under hot water at feeding times. This will save you a lot of space. If you always use your boppy pillow to prop baby up- know that you can always use regular pillows at your destination for the same effect. You are on vacation for a short time. A few improvs for a few days won’t be so bad.

Be organized. I got a set of packing cubes to organize and separate baby girl’s stuff. Everything is so small and I didn’t want her clothes in random corners of the suitcase. Having her clothing, socks, bows, shoes, etc in packing cubes helped me to easily locate her items and made it so simple during our time at the destination. I also got some packing bags with zippers that I used keep her diapers & toiletries. It even came with a laundry bag which came in handy.

packing for family travel

Plan ahead. Check the weather and plan your baby’s outfits for each day. Yes, you may need extra clothes because accidents happen. However, you don’t need an extra outfit for each day! That’s what I did ya’ll. I overpacked on clothes, undershirts, pajamas, and socks. I didn’t use half the clothes I packed for her. Accidents do happen but not every single day. LOL. Worst case scenario if run out of clean extras you can always hand wash things. It’s really not a big deal so resist the urge to bring everything hanging in baby’s closet.

Be a minimalist. This goes for you too. Only bring what you absolutely need so you save space in your suitcase. We overpacked- big time. For our family of 3 we had two checked bags, two carry ons, two personal items, the stroller & car seat. It was a lot. Not to mention a baby to carry. Check out Air Travel With An Infant for more on that. A worker at the airport saw us struggling with our bags and asked if we were moving to Texas! You want to be as light as possible since you will have your child/children with you.

air travel with an infant

In hindsight we should have consolidated our things to one checked bag and one carry on to share. It would have been much easier and much more practical. We all came home with things we did not touch on vacation.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Even if you forget something you really needed you can always find a replacement at your destination. Don’t be so worried that you may forget something that you overdo it. You can always rent baby equipment, you can buy more t-shirts and you can find sunscreen anywhere! Just remember to have fun!!!