6 Self-Care Hacks

It’s Wellness Wednesday on the blog!

Incorporating self care to your everyday routine can have tremendous benefits to your mood, attitude, self-esteem, productivity, and perceived stress. We all have busy lives and at times we are focusing on everybody else before ourselves.

When Jeff and I first got married, I went back to school. I was working full time, taking a full time course load, and of course being a wife. Self care was the last thing on my mind. I was so overwhelmed! I stopped going to the gym, I stayed up late catching up on assignments, and still had to take care of the house. I was utterly miserable and stressed trying to take of everything (but me). I was grumpy, easily angered, and was never in the mood. I soon realized that I was never going to make it anywhere like that.

After about two months of living like this I knew I had to make a change. Jeff and I were arguing more and more and I was never actually getting ahead despite those late nights and early mornings. I began incorporated a few key things that you can start infusing into your schedule tomorrow! By following these self care routines, I found myself feeling less stressed even with the same amount of work. I became less grumpy, less snappy, and I had an overall greater feeling of well being.

1. Delegate

I started delegating more tasks to my husband- which he had no problem accepting! This is an underutilized tool. If you’re anything like me, you want to do certain things yourself because you know it will get done to your liking. Dishes will be very clean, laundry will smell great, and the kitchen will be spotless after dinner. But the truth is I got burned out with trying to take care of everything myself. I learned that I can’t do it all my own- even if I think I do it better lol. Girl, it is ok to ask for help. It won’t make you less of a mom or wife if you hire a maid or start a food delivery system so you cook less. It is ok to outsource. Things will still be taken care of and everybody’s happy- including you.

2. Get Moving

I know you’ve heard this a million times before but it’s so true! You have to try and incorporate some type of physical activity into your routine. It relieves stress, releases endorphins, and will put you in a better mood. I struggle with this too! My go to activity is yoga and I ‘ve been practicing on/off for the past 7 years. I’m no expert but I feel the benefits each time I go. Whether it is walking, zumba, cycling or pilates it is worth putting the time into. In between yoga sessions, sometimes all I could get in is 10-15 min. I use the nike training club app and I am able to get a full body workout! I recommend to all my busy bodies out here. Even if you have no time- use an app, ditch the elevator for the stairs, or take a brisk walk. Whatever you choose, make it a point to be conscious about this.

3. Take Your Break

This is not a suggestion! Whether you are working a 9-5 or you are a housewife, you have to take an hour out of your busy day, everyday to decompress and pull away from the work. As a RN, I’ve forfeiting my lunch breaks more times than I can count for the ‘good’ of my patients. I’ve been left hungry, thirsty, and with a bladder ready to burst because I felt I was putting my patients first. This is actually counterproductive. There is a reason the law mandates us to take a break! In order to be truly productive we need that hour to have a mental and physical break from the duty of the day. This comes with so many health benefits as you return to your work more energized and optimistic. The rest of your day will thank you. Taking even just 30 min to sit and do nothing will be more beneficial than working straight through it.

4. A Breath of Fresh Air

People who get fresh air and sunlight regularly are happier than those who do not. This may sound a little crazy- like what are we being compared to- plants??? But natural sunlight and fresh air are known to improve our mood and make us feel…well….better. If you work in an office with no windows or live in a house where the sun does not shine in much, then you should make extra effort to get outside. After daylight savings time it gets incredibly dark very early. I leave the house in the dark and come home home in the dark. Very depressing. So, I started making it a point to go outside on my lunch breaks to get some fresh air and sunlight. I may not get to go outside everyday during my workday but at least a few times out the week makes a difference.

5. Go To Bed

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day as opposed to waking up groggy wondering why the night went by so fast? I am a natural night owl so going to bed early even when I have to be up the next day is a toughie. No matter what time you have to wake up, make sure you are scheduling enough sleep for yourself. Set an alarm for bedtime. Let me repeat that. Set an alarm for bedtime! The extra time you spend up at night will be completely counterproductive for your tomorrow. You will get more done when you are not falling asleep doing it. A true struggle for me too, but once I started implementing this I found it to be way better for me and my busy day. You mean I don’t need 2 cups of coffee just to get things done? Right on!

6. See A Counselor

Don’t wait until all else fails to see a therapist. Talking to someone objective can help you sort through some deep rooted issues. If you find that you are constantly irritable, can’t find meaning in life, stressed every single day, and generally unhappy, it may be time to start seeing someone. Your friends are great to talk to but are not trained to help you sort through your issues. Their advice may be geared towards their own life situations instead of figuring out what may be the best course of action for you. We love Dr. Surrenca Albert in the NYC area who specializes in culturally competent care. Don’t wait to start prioritizing your self care.