Surprise! It’s our best kept secret and we couldn’t happier to share the news with you! This is our first child together and we are so excited. We’ve been married for 3 years now and after enjoying each other for all that time we are ready to expand our family. It’s also a great time for me now that I am finished with my graduate degree and can be all in on being a mom. Let’s jump right into the pregnancy details!

How Pregnant Am I?

I’m 19 weeks and change. Due October 2020. I have been feeling great. But first trimester was a doozy. I was constantly tired- like 12 hours a night was not even enough kind of tired. Ugh. I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks. Baby Taylor had us at hello- we’re so in love. I started having nausea around 7 weeks and this continued up until last week! I got my energy back around 13 weeks which was great. I started talking to Baby T at 16 weeks as soon as I heard the fetus can hear sounds at that time. I also started to feel flutters (baby moving) around then too.

Pregnancy Announcement
Pregnancy Announcement

How Did We Find Out?

Around the time my cycle was due I took a test. There popped up a faint 2nd line. My heart dropped. Like OMG am I pregnant? Tears just rolled down my face. I was so happy. Jeff came home from work and I acted like it was business as usual. When we crawled into bed that night I casually reached over and handed him the test. He looked confused. I said we’re pregnant. He was so surprised- he literally thought I was joking. He asked me to stop playing with him. LOL. But it was for real. I waited another two days and tested again since that first one had such a faint line. The second one was no doubt a big fat positive.

Telling Our Family

Of course our closest family/friends had to know! We didn’t do anything fancy. I told my mom over the phone by casually stating that around October (baby’s due date month) she will be very busy. Haha. Pretty much everyone else we know that’s close to us were told by phone/text. Everyone lives far away so waiting to tell family in person would just be torturous. Everyone is so excited.

Giving Thanks

We are so grateful for this gift from God. We don’t take it for granted at all the ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy. We pray everyday for the well being of Baby Taylor and for a healthy baby at the end of it all. Pray for us as we embark on this journey. Thanks for reading and for sharing our joy with us!