The Most Wonderful (& Stressful) Time of The Year

It’s the holiday season and if you’re anything like me you feel like you have one hundred thousand things to do at once. From Thanksgiving Day to New Years can feel overwhelming and stressful. After Thanksgiving, I had so many final papers and projects due to wrap up the semester. On top of that work got so crazy as the hospital was literally bursting at the seams with patients. There was also shopping and gift giving for birthdays and Christmas. And I still needed to make time to be a wife. What a mess. I felt like I was failing at everything. The blog suffered, my husband suffered, my sleep suffered. But I made it out the fire…and I’ll tell you how.

Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize!

When you have 1,000 important things to do, you have to prioritize. Everything is important but not everything is urgent. For me, getting through my final semester was at the top of my list and I know that it was a temporary sacrifice I had to make. I needed to ask for help. As Jeff always says- closed mouths don’t get fed. He had to step up in the kitchen and do more around the house because I had to focus on school work. I had to turn down social events with friends. I got way less sleep than I needed to. One thing I tried my best to do was to at least spend quality time with Jeff once a week. Your marriage should always remain a priority no matter how busy life gets. That’s your partner in life and you have to try to keep that at the forefront. This was much easier said that done for me but our weekly date nights did not waiver. Most importantly I kept God in the center of it all. Asking Him everyday for strength and guidance.

The holiday spirit vibes kicked in kind of late for me. But it is never about how early you have the tree up or how perfectly your home is decorated for the holiday. It’s about love and family. Manage your stress and your expectations this season. You don’t have to be perfect to have a perfect holiday.