They say New Year, New You. While it’s ok to set resolutions for you as an individual, what about for your marriage? Yes, a new “you” could indirectly end up benefiting the relationship but there is a big difference when you hone in on the marriage itself. Let’s face it, in order to reach your resolution there has to be a change. You are purposefully trying to do something different that you hope will improve your outcomes for the year. Having that conversation together can actually be very beneficial for the marriage.

Some of the best industries in the world become the best by consistently improving the way they do things. They look for things that are wrong and they analyze the root of the issue to fix it. They set annual goals in an effort to improve their process. As a result, they get better and are able to reach their growth goals and hit their financial targets. Why don’t we apply that same thinking to our relationships?

If we treated our marriages with the same intent that we treated our businesses we could be much happier. Let’s say you want to grow your savings together but struggled to do so. Take time to dig deep into the issue as to what is causing the lack of savings. Address the root of it and make an improvement goal to maybe shop less, cook more, etc. If you hit snags along the way, address it right then and there. Don’t wait until the end of the year to say “oh we didn’t reach our goal”. It takes being honest with each other and a true commitment to attaining the goal together.

Jeff and I have a goal to communicate more effectively. We find that we get into a lot of arguments because of a nasty tone or negative body language. It’s not what you say, but how you say it. Jeff can come off as very aggressive when he is passionate about something. I can quickly come off with an attitude and annoyance when responding if I don’t agree with him. We both agreed that this is an area that needs improvement in our relationship. This year, we are tackling it head on. Less arguments = happier us! It’s a good place to start.

When you start your journey, remember to give each other praise and encouragement for their efforts. This is a motivating factor that will keep both of you committed to keeping up with your goal. Remember that even very successful companies find new and better ways to do things all the time. This keeps them relevant and at the top of their game. Bring your marriage to the top of its game too! When you are consciously working on the same goals it bring you closer together and ultimately you will be much happier even with some pitfalls.

New Year, New You As A Couple. You may have many goals you want to tackle together but pick the one that stands out to both you the most. Taking on too many at once can cause you to derail from your resolutions so stick to one at a time. Start today and make this the best year yet in your marriage! We’re rooting for you.