Natural Birth Story #2
The morning of 2/17 went as usual. I woke up with my daughter around 9am and headed down for breakfast. I started feeling some cramping but thought they were Braxton Hicks contractions so thought nothing of it. By around noon I noticed I was still getting them. I started to wonder if this could be IT. The day we’ve been waiting for since my due date was the next day. I called hubby to tell him that I’m getting some cramping that I think could be contractions but NOT TO WORRY because it’s still very early.
I put Kira down for her nap and went about doing a million things around the house! Laundry, vacuuming, straightening up- you name it! I went into major last minute nesting mode. By 3pm I felt noticeably stronger cramping. I went to take a warm shower thinking that will help me feel better. It didn’t. I decided to time it and contractions were 1.5 minutes apart. OMG. I called my OB and she advised to come in. Called hubby and he said he’s on the way.
Not even half hour later I was barely able to get dressed. The contractions were so strong that I had to literally stop and breathe to get through them. Jeff concluded that he wasn’t going to make it home and to meet at the hospital. My mom was there (thank God) and she got Kira ready and had to even help me get ready.
Imagine being cooped up in a chair- unable to really move around for over an hour. With really intense contractions….
The car ride was hard! Imagine being cooped up in a chair- unable to move around freely for over an hour. With really intense contractions along with that. Gahhhh. I breathed through them while I listened to my daughter’s sweet sing songs in the back seat. We hit traffic for a bit and all I could do was pray we make it.
We arrived safely and Jeff was waiting in the parking lot with a wheelchair (thank goodness because at this point I was not going to be able to walk through a contraction). The OB checks me, and I was 9cm!!! I couldn’t believe it. The nurses barely had a chance to do anything. I felt an intense urge and less than 5 pushes later, he was here!!!! No meds. No epidural. Nothing.
Yes, I did want a natural birth but this was not the labor I was expecting at all. I had a birth plan printed. A labor playlist. My birthing ball. None of it mattered. The doctor even joked and called it a stop & drop– because I literally came in and gave birth (all within 30 minutes of walking in). Honestly, if I would have left the house any later I could’ve had him in the car on the side of the road. Or if I had waited for Jeff to get home I could’ve potentially had him on the bathroom floor. Scary to think that!
We are so thankful to God that we arrived right on time and had a healthy & safe delivery! What a huge difference from my natural birth story #1 that I posted a year ago. Right now our family never felt so complete and we are enjoying being a new family of 4.