Isolation And Your Family

As a registered nurse actively working through this covid war, we send many patients home to self quarantine. But then their family members come in a week later testing positive. I realized that many people don’t know how to really isolate themselves at home to stop the spread of this invisible enemy. I have been going over all the home precautions that they should take to effectively quarantine and protect their family members. I want to share this all with you.

Don’t Wait

The first thing I want to to say is that if someone in your house is showing any signs or symptoms of Covid 19- don’t wait to isolate. Common signs and symptoms of infection include sore throat, fever, cough, headache, light sensitivity, and body aches. Any of these can easily be mistaken something else like allergies, a cold, or the flu. But realistically speaking, in the midst of this fast spreading outbreak it is best to assume that it is covid 19. Act accordingly to protect those around too.

Dedicated Space

The affected person should have a dedicated space to themselves- ideally with a door that can be kept shut. I work in New York City where everyone does not have the luxury of having their own room. If the space is the living room couch – you can make that work too. But no one else should sit/hang in the area for the quarantine period. If someone must come within six feet of the affected person, that person and the family entering should wear a mask. The person leaving the area should wash hands/sanitize immediately leaving the isolated person’s area.


Oh the bathroom. Now this is where things get murky. If you have a dedicated bathroom for the affected person that is ideal. But most people in big cities don’t. Sharing the bathroom is fine however you must disinfect all bathroom surfaces after the infected person uses it. Keep Lysol spray or clorox wipes handy. The sick person may be too weak to clean up after their use so everyone in the house should be aware of the cleaning protocol. Areas to disinfect are the door knobs (both sides), sink handles, toilet handle, shower door, countertop, and light switch.


Another tough spot is the kitchen. If the affected person is only mildly affected they may want to go in the fridge several times a day for snacks. This leaves many areas prone to potential viral hubs. What we do know right now is that the virus can live on surfaces for up to a week! The affected person should limit their time in shared spaces. Keep non perishable snacks in their room. Try to bring foods to them by the door and leave bottled water at their bedside. If they do come out leave clorox wipes or other disinfectants readily available for fast wipe down.

Assume You Have It

My brother in law is an emergency room physician assistant and he said he tells everyone to assume they have it. He kind of shouts it out like a mantra lol. But he is so right. Assuming you are affected by coronavirus is your best bet until you can rule it out. And it’s the best option at protecting everyone else in your household.

These are all practical things you can do if someone in your family has suspected or confirmed coronavirus. Even before a loved one has been tested, you can implement these measures- just in case. These are tough times, but we will get through it together. Good luck out there and stay safe!