How Covid-19 Has Changed Our Perception

The smoke of the pandemic has yet to clear. Now 4 months in, we’ve had time to soak in the lessons that living through this time has taught us. Suddenly, so many things we thought we couldn’t live without are not so important anymore. Covid-19 has taught us that living ‘simply’ isn’t such a bad thing. After months of being home on the weekends, Jeff and I have learned to appreciate each other more. We’ve become creative with date nights in and found joy in just being with each other. Yes going out is nice, but not so necessary anymore. We’ve become so accustomed to a type of luxury living that is promoted in this country that the concept of living simply seems strange. But our perception of life and living has forever changed.

When covid 19 went widespread and everything shut down, I joked around with Jeff saying that it feels like we’re living in a third world country. Work & home, preparing every meal, going out only for necessities. No mani/pedis, no brunches, no vacations, no movies, no summer concerts, no new restaurants to try, no nothing! Oh my. These luxuries became everyday occurrences. And when you think about a third world country, this is how they live. Simply. Without all the aforementioned items above and then some. Many people look at them and say that they aren’t happy or that they aren’t really living. But they find joy in the little things. Luxury has become a standard of living for many of us. Covid-19 has taught us that we don’t actually need all those things. And life can still be good.

In this time we’ve learned to appreciate our health. We’ve grown in our prayer life. We’ve leaned more on each other for love and support. I’ve actually never felt closer to Jeff than I do right now. I know you may be thinking like ‘geez it took a pandemic?’ But getting through a storm together makes you stronger. When there was no else to turn to due to fear of catching/spreading the virus guess who was there? Your spouse. Your ride or die. And it became that much more evident during this time that we really just do have each other. It’s you and him against the world. (In this case against covid!)

This isn’t to say that we will abandon vacations and fine dining forever. But it is to say that our reality has shifted to embrace the little things and live more simply than before. There is joy in that too. And sometimes things do have to be taken away for us to have that hard reset that we may have so desperately needed in our lives. While you’re waiting for this to all blow over, remember all that you still have to be grateful for. In everything there is a lesson. Ask God to show you what yours is and come out of this better than before!