5 Tips For Traveling While In Grad School

You’re right in the midst of a fall semester and you’re on your A game getting organized with all the posts and papers you have coming due. You also realize that its October and it’s the best time to travel off peak (prob because everyone is in school). Hmmm….you definitely want to tap into the best of both worlds. This has been the story of my life for the past few years. I work full time as RN and I went back to school for my masters in nursing. Let’s face it, most people in grad school are working adults like me. And the truth is that most of your friends are done with school by now. Am I right? So you get invited to trips and events but you’re the only one feeling like you’re dragging around this ball and chain of that next post you have to do. So you end up passing up on that getaway because you think you won’t have any fun. Wrong! You CAN have it all with some pre-planning and implementing some of these tips that has worked for me over the years. Being in school has not stopped me from living my best life and it shouldn’t stop you either! And just to clarify, I have a 3.9 gpa. It is possible.

1. Don’t Forget Your Laptop OR CHARGER

This sounds like an obvious one. But in the midst of packing your bathing suits, sundresses, and the “I don’t want to forget my favorite sunglasses” you may forget one or the other or both. Although obvious, it has happened to me where I completely forgot my charger. It’s not easy to find a mac charger especially if you’re oversees on an island somewhere. Or it can cost a gazillion bucks. Don’t waste a whole day of your vacation chasing down a charger. The resort may have a business center that you can access but its usually first come first serve and may not be reliable if you have a time sensitive post or assignment.

2. Check for Wifi BEFORE you arrive

Without wifi, I feel like I’m frozen in time. Especially when it comes to getting my assignments done. I’ve been stranded before with no or poor wifi and unable to access my journal articles or my latest paper in progress on google docs. Ugh! Save yourself the frustration and check on the wifi capabilities of the property before you check in. Some hotels charge over $10 per day per device to connect. This is especially true around the states. If this is the case it’s good to know ahead of time so you can budget for that instead of being surprised with an extra expense when you get there. Check the hotel’s reviews and if the wifi is known to be super slow or unreliable, travel with a pocket wifi device so that you know you are covered.

3. Schedule Down Time

Chances are your traveling buddies forgot you’re in school. Let them know in advance that you will need down time for your school work. I’ve traveled with friends and thought that I would just squeeze in work when there are free moments. This never happens! Even if you don’t go out one night, you will most likely be up chatting and drinking wine. There will never be down time for your work unless you make it part of the itinerary. The truth is that no one wants their vacation to be jammed packed with activities from sunrise too sundown. I find that my friends/family like breaks in the schedule to do their own thing with or without the ‘group’. If you are traveling with your husband, let him know he can watch t.v all day, play on the basketball court or whatever he likes to do while you crunch in your assignments.

4. Download Everything

And I mean everything! Chances are most of your content is on blackboard. Download that. Most textbooks have a digital version. Download that. If you have tons of journal articles to read through for your next paper- download those. If you are worried about space on your hardrive you can always bring your textbook and print all your relevant paperwork. Jeff and I got away to the Poconos which is driving distance for us and I brought hard copies of everything I needed. But a 20 pound textbook on the plane would’ve been a no-go! The beauty of having everything accessible offline is that you won’t need to rely on wifi. Since you never know what issues you will encounter it’s best to have as much access to your work as possible just in case.

5. Get Ahead

Most likely you planned this trip ahead of time. Even if it was last minute, you knew it was coming. Work your bum off before you get to your destination If I have a post due during that time, I’ll do it and save it on word (accessible offline!). That way when the week opens up all I have to do is copy and paste it because I did all the work already. I’ll go back in to respond to classmates but at least the heaviest part of the post will be done. If I have a paper that I have to work on, I will do some research for relevant articles before I go then I use the airport and plane ride to read them. By the time I hit my downtime, I already know what I’m focusing on. Anything you can do in advance, try your best to tackle it. It pays off on the trip.

6. Have Fun!

This is why you are going vacation! Don’t turn the trip into your personal catch up time because then you will ruin it for yourself and for the ones who are really excited to have you with them. It’s all about balancing your time, staying on top of your obligations while also being able to let loose and just enjoy. With these travel tips in mind I’ve been able to live my best life while not only in grad school but while I was going back for my BSN as well! And you can too. Have fun loves!